so this is a question I get asked alot , why do i always return. I mean yes i want to see many different places but sometimes you find a place that takes a small piece of you holds onto it tight and somehow you will never not feel like that place is apart of you . My first visit to Benalmadena was in 2018 we visited for 2 weeks and stayed at a lovely apartment that we had found being managed by a lovely couple from the UK . first impressions is this place is a fun bustling and lively resort with something for everyone, But its alot more than that , its full of culture, history and friendly people. If you look a little deeper than the all-inclusive hotels and the usual tourist attractions you will find beautiful, whitewashed villages and towns full of life where the locals gather, eat chat and live a much slower paced life than i am used to thats for sure . so lets skip a few months and my mum and dad had decided to visit on our reviews and also wanted to stay in the same apartment. meanwhile i was back home not having the best of times , i had moved house felt completely cut off from my family and was struggling finacially , i had health troubles and really my mental health was at a low point . 2 days after my mum and dad had began their holiday i had enough , i was trying my best to pick myself up i was reading self-development books , studying law of attraction but it wasn't enough i need to escape , so i booked a flight and the day after without them knowing i landed at Malaga airport just me and my little boy , I hopped in a taxi and on the way i got a message from my dad it said , "morning baby , just having a coffee on the balcony have a good day love you " , to which i replied " dont rub it in im on my way to work" . Little did my dad know i was in a taxi on my way to them, we sneaked into the apartment block, sid was giggling and i told him "shhh they will hear you " . I knocked on the door and my dad opened he was shocked to say the least, when i say his face hit the floor it really did and then his eyes filled with tears. he was so happy to see us, and the feeling was mutual. In my case i had packed a book and off i headed to the pool, I spent the next 5 days reading, relaxing and spending much needed time with my mum and dad and it was just what i needed to get back in a good head space. When i returned home i felt new and i know everyone feels abit like that after a holiday but this was different. I returned home to a car parked up my path MY car, i hadn't passed my test yet but i was going too and this was the kick i needed, it was important to me because this was the reason i felt cut off from my family i was living in an area where there wasn't much public transport and couldn't get to my mum and dads house very easily. I also that week received an unexpected lump sum of money in my bank and the best of all I then received the news i had been waiting for that my results had come back clear. Some could say it was just coincidence but i believe the peace i felt in Benalmadena and the fact i was able to switch of finish my book and be around the people i love allowed me to manifest these things because there were no distractions. as the years passed i have continued to visit Benalmadena many times and have met some people i now call friends, i also keep in contact and continue to stay at the apartment from the lovely couple we first rented from. Every time I visit, I always feel a sense of home. honestly, I could move there tomorrow, and I can say for sure I'd be happy, not because I would be living in Spain in the sunshine but because it's my happy place, a safe place the place I went when I needed to find my way back to myself and my inner peace and for that I will always love Benalmadena. One thing I will say is if you are ever lucky enough to enjoy a holiday here with your loved ones, don't just go to an all-inclusive hotel and stay put, get out, go inland and visit the many beautiful places Andalucia has to offer, immerse yourself in the culture, eat local and support the many business owners who call it home they need it most. so ye guys not as long a blog as I had wanted but EVERYONE always asks me why I always go on and on about this place it even became a bit of a family joke that all I ever talked about was my visits to Benalmadena, and that is why. so I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope this inspires you to visit and don't forget no matter where you visit always take time to explore really get to understand the place you are visiting and don't stay behind the hotel walls , you will be surprised what you find when you look beyond the holiday and make it an adventure , I never thought I would find a Buddhist temple in the hills of Benalmadena pueblo that's for sure .
love Abby x
