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I have thought a lot about my first blog post and how it was going to go , but I suppose I'm just going to do what I do best and that tell a story ! so my first blog is realisation . how did I realise I loved travel , well my earliest memory of travelling was like every other child in the uk who was born in 90's and that was wales for family caravan holidays .

But of course my first abroad trip was actually when I was maybe about 10 and my mum and dad had saved up so hard and my mum surprised me with a trip to Disneyland Paris , and that was the first time I stepped foot on an aeroplane .

when I was younger I was apart of my local youth club and we done a lot of charity work and raising money , so when I was around 12 we went to Lourdes , we travelled by mini bus and ferry and stayed in a beautiful villa in a places called bartres just outside of Lourdes , honestly I'm not going to lie as a kid I HATED staying out I would always end up crying , but this time took the biscuit I was in the middle of the south of France , my mum and dad had gone to visit their friend in Scotland and I actually rang my dad crying and asked him to come and get me . safe to say at this point my geographical skills were not at there best if I thought for one second my dad was coming to rescue me from the south of France , so I just had to get over it . it was actually a lovely week and its only now that I'm older I look back and can still imagine the beautiful little villages and places we visited , because as a child you take those things for granted .

so lets skip a few years ahead and in between there where numerous girly trips too Disneyland with my aunties and cousins . My first adult holiday was with my partner when I was 18 ( picture below of baby faced us ) and we went to Majorca , we stayed in a lovely hotel , we went to markets , ate out spent our days at the beach , visited the capital city of Palma and this is all normal holiday stuff but to us this was all new and we LOVED it , for me I think it was a massive eye opener , for me it was not just a holiday that I wanted once a year , I felt like I needed more , more of this slower paced lifestyle , culture and to feed my curiosity , I have dreamt since that day of moving abroad and that is still the goal because life is just too fast paced for me here in the UK I feel like people don't stop to live here ands its one massive rat race I want to spend my weekends at the beach , eat my dinner at 9pm on my terrace and have siestas in the afternoon

. so ye that's kind of how it all started for me obviously after that first holiday we where away every year and then that turned into twice maybe 3 times a year , for me its not just about a HOLIDAY its more of a fear , a fear of leaving this earth having not seen enough of it , there are so many beautiful places , people , cultures and experiences out there and I would hate to look back when my time comes and wish I had done more . also my son I have this burning passion to show him as much as we can , make memories and show him that he has the whole world in his hands , I would hate for him to grow up and get stuck in the rat race , hating his job , feeling trapped by the system and not going out there and seeing the world , because I don't regret my life choices at all as I am a massive believer that you always end up exactly where you should be if you believe enough , BUT I do wish I would have done more and travelled more when i was younger . then again its not to late because now I get to share it with him and see his face when we arrive in new places and I see his excitement and watch him exploring .

so guys that's my first blog I guess , how it all began I hope I done okay because I feel like I have waffled as usual , but if my waffling inspires someone to go and book that flight then my job is done.

Love abby x



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